When you work with your bondsman at Fizer Bonding Company (bail bond near me), the subject of courtroom demeanor usually comes up. After all, no one is born knowing this stuff, and the written rules of judicial conduct in Tennessee can be extremely vague.
In general, the rule of thumb is to treat your court date like a funeral. One big difference though between these two things is that it’s okay to cry softly at funerals, but such behavior is definitely not allowed in Montgomery County courtrooms.
Another distinction is that funerals rarely have happy endings unless of course, it is a end-of-life-celebration
type of funeral (New Orleans style). But when you work with Fizer Bonding Company, (bail bonds clarksville tn) you have just given yourself the best chance for your criminal case to have a happy ending. Or, at least, the ending will not be as bad as it would have been if you were to stay in jail. Without exercising your option for pretrial release on bond, you may have unintentionally made things harder for yourself. Pretrial release keeps the presumption of innocence firmly intact. In turn, this can give your attorney the best chance to engineer a successful outcome, even in serious cases.
Coming to the Courthouse
Give yourself plenty of time. Public transportation or taking an “Uber or taxi” is usually a good idea. That way, you do not have to worry about parking. That will save you a few minutes, and a few dollars as well. The cost of parking near the courthouse is usually rather high, and parking on a street meter is usually not a good idea. There’s no telling when you’ll get a break and be able to feed the meter again.
Also, give yourself plenty of time to get through the security line. You and potentially several hundred other people all have to be in a courtroom at 9 am. Arriving late and being stressed for time, won’t make the line go any faster. You don’t want to get all impatient and start to “get an attitude” before you even get into the courtroom.
Dress like you are going to church. You do not need to wear a coat and tie, but definitely, do not wear shorts or other overly-casual attire. Try to avoid “sagging pants” and “revealing tops” and men should tuck in their shirts as the court may take it as a sign of disrespect. “Cover it up and keep it covered” is the motto here.
When You Arrive
If you already have a lawyer, wait in the hall just outside the courtroom. Talking is not allowed inside the courtroom, especially when the judge is on the bench. If your lawyer is not there at 9 am on the dot, do not panic. Most attorneys must be in several different courtrooms at once. S/he will not forget you. Just be patient and wait for them.
If you do not have a lawyer, wait inside the courtroom. Be sure your cellphone is OFF (or left in your car since many courts do not allow cell phones at all) and best not to risk putting it on vibrate where a message or alarm could still end up ringing out loud. Many judges hold lawyers in contempt of court if their phones go off accidentally. Just imagine what they will do to you.
Once inside, remember to act like you are at a funeral. Do not talk to anyone and do not play on your phone. Your full attention needs to be on what is going on around you. Respecting the judge, other officials, and the courtroom in general, will always give you the best outcome. Be present, be aware, and try to be relaxed…take a deep breath, it will be O.K.
If you have questions about how a bail bondsman can help you get out of jail in Robertson County or for tips and pointers on how to appear in court when you are out on bail call Fizer Bonding Company, your 24-hour bail bondsman. For more info about bail bonds, click here . Our family-owned company has served the bonding needs of Montgomery and Robertson Counties for over 40 years. Fizer Bonding Company is a proud member of the Tennessee Association of Professional Bail Agents.
Fizer Bonding Company in Montgomery County Tennessee
(931) 449-9351
Fizer Bonding Company in Robertson County Tennessee
(615) 667-1109
Please be advised that neither www.fizerbailbonds.com
or Fizer Bonding Company LLC is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consider consulting with a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter where individual state, county or city laws may apply. www.fizerbailbonds.com
provides INFORMATION ONLY and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made and the use of the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.
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Robertson County Location:
Montgomery County Location:
(615) 667-1744
501 5th Avenue E Springfield, TN 37172
Business hours:
Open 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week, and 365 Days a Year!
Please be advised that Fizerbailbonds.com is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you seek legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter, given that individual state, county, or city laws may vary. Fizerbailbonds.com provides INFORMATION ONLY, and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made, and using the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.
Robertson County Location: (615) 667-1109
Montgomery County Location: (931) 449-9351
Fax: (615) 667-1744
Email: fizerbonding@comcast.net
501 5th Avenue E
Springfield, TN 37172
Business hours: Open 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week, and 365 Days a Year!
Please be advised that Fizerbailbonds.com is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you seek legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter, given that individual state, county, or city laws may vary. Fizerbailbonds.com provides INFORMATION ONLY, and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made, and using the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.