1967 went down in history books as the Summer of Love. That year, about 100,000 “hippies” gathered in the San Francisco area between March and October. They listened to music, enjoyed works of art, talked about politics, and did some drugs. Not everybody did all these things…but most did who traveled to the bay area to become a flower child. The eclectic gathering in Haight-Ashbury made waves throughout California and as far away as New York City. Similar events took place in the late 1960s, most notably at Woodstock in 1969. But they did not have quite the same gravitas.
The Summer of Love was unique. Hopefully, the Summer of Coronavirus will be optimistically unique as well. Many people would like another summer of love, at least in some form. But no one wants to go through further stress and anxiety about COVID-19. Memorial Day, the unofficial first day of summer, has come and gone. SO, the Summer of Coronavirus is officially upon us. And, no one is sure how it will end. But Tennessee Governor Bill Lee recently unveiled some guidelines for keeping Covid-safe this summer.
The county jail is never part of anyone’s summer vacation plans. But some people who went to San Francisco as part of the Summer of Love got an unexpected tour of the county jail. Likewise, many Tennesseans who go on road trips this summer might need to reach out to a Montgomery County bail bonds agency. That’s especially true if, as is commonly the case, your travel plans include being with groups of people and alcohol consumption. So, the Fizer Bonding Company is here to help keep you safe in jail and out of jail.
In March 2020, during the early pandemic peak, the Centers for DIsease Control recommended limiting public gatherings to fifty people. Gov. Lee’s order respects this limit. So, do not expect to see parades, music festivals, county fairs, picnic blanket concerts, or other large, unorganized gatherings this summer. Indoor concerts and spectator sports are different. More on that below. There are several exceptions, including:
In terms of social distancing, this part of the order does not specifically mention the six-foot rule of thumb. It only refers to the subjective principle of social distancing.
In Tennessee, counties are not just administrative districts. They have a great deal of power. That’s especially true of the more populous counties.
Knox, Madison, Shelby, Davidson, Hamilton, and Sullivan Counties have their own health departments. So, these six jurisdictions can generally issue orders which are stronger or weaker than the Governor’s order. Alterations to the orders concerning religious gatherings are off limits.
The other eighty-three counties in Tennessee, including Montgomery and Robertson County, can still issue their own orders. But these local orders can only affect local government matters, such as jailhouse visiting hours. Montgomery County bonding agencies are essential businesses, so they are exempt from any such restrictions.
COVID-19 has been incredibly lethal for people over 65. So, the Governor’s order takes special care to protect the health and safety of older Tennesseans. Many of these restrictions are very inconvenient, but policies must have priorities.
Nursing home visitors are not allowed except in end-of-life situations or if the visitor is a medical service provider. Additionally, these facilities must have had complete testing protocols in place by May 31. Senior centers are closed, period.
Fizer Bonding Company (bail bond near me) typically deal with a number of criminal charges in this area. It is normally illegal to carry or consume alcohol in public. Of course, bars are normally open, so there is normally a place to drink. So for now, the public consumption laws are on hold.
Different municipalities usually have different rules in this area. Typically, the offense itself is basically a traffic ticket. Officers typically cite defendants and release them instead of taking them to jail. But people who have been drinking sometimes act erratically and these confrontations can often escalate.
Changing the alcohol consumption laws is like taking the fuse out of a bomb. If there’s nothing to light, nothing goes boom. That’s usually a good thing for everyone concerned.
These venues can open if they respect capacity limits and social distancing requirements. Normally, that’s an either/or proposition.
There might be professional baseball in Tennessee this summer. Here is one idea for social distancing seating so fans can root, root, root for the home team. Typically, the county health department must sign off on the final configuration. Indoor concert venues must follow a similar pattern.
Dollywood , Dollywood’s Splash Country, and other outdoor theme parks are subject to occupancy restrictions. However, since Coronavirus is not as contagious outdoors, county health departments might be willing to make some accommodations.
According to the governor’s order, “Persons are urged to wear a cloth face covering in places where in close proximity to others, especially where social distancing is difficult.” This vaguely-worded directive is not quite a mask requirement, but it is awfully close.
Conceivably, any business could require people to wear face masks. If the patron does not wear one, or is not wearing the right kind of mask, the store could file criminal trespass charges, which means it could easily become necessary to call Fizer Bonding Company needing a bondsman to (Clarksville tn bail bonds) get out of jail as quickly as possible.
Lots of dominoes have to fall in the right direction in that scenario…but it could happen. However, the best approach is always wear a face mask when you go into a store. It’s almost always better to be safe than sorry.
The Fizer Bonding Company team truly cares about your health and safety. That’s why we do what we do. Our family owned company has been serving the bonding needs of Montgomery County over the past 35 years and is a proud member of the Tennessee Association of Professional Bail Agents and offers their bonding services for only 10% of the bond amount. For more info about Fizer Bonding Company bail bonds, click here.
“We’ll get your tail outta jail!”
Fizer Bonding Company in Montgomery County Tennessee
(931) 449-9351
Fizer Bonding Company in Robertson County Tennessee
(615) 667-1109
Please be advised that neither www.fizerbailbonds.com or Fizer Bonding Company LLC is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consider consulting with a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter where individual state, county or city laws may apply. www.fizerbailbonds.com provides INFORMATION ONLY and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made and the use of the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.
The post How to “Do Summer” During the COVID-19 Pandemic appeared first on Fizer Bail Bonds.
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(615) 667-1744
501 5th Avenue E Springfield, TN 37172
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Please be advised that Fizerbailbonds.com is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you seek legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter, given that individual state, county, or city laws may vary. Fizerbailbonds.com provides INFORMATION ONLY, and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made, and using the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.
Robertson County Location: (615) 667-1109
Montgomery County Location: (931) 449-9351
Fax: (615) 667-1744
Email: fizerbonding@comcast.net
501 5th Avenue E
Springfield, TN 37172
Business hours: Open 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week, and 365 Days a Year!
Please be advised that Fizerbailbonds.com is not an attorney or law firm and does not provide legal advice. If you seek legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult a competent attorney in your jurisdiction who can provide you with legal advice on your particular matter, given that individual state, county, or city laws may vary. Fizerbailbonds.com provides INFORMATION ONLY, and the information provided is for informational purposes only AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR SUBSTITUTED FOR LEGAL ADVICE. THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SITE MAY INCLUDE INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. No guarantees are made, and using the website, content, and any information provided is at your own risk.